Te wiki o te reo Māori
Māori Language Week
To celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, make sure you head outdoors and learn new kupu (words) related to te taiao (the natural environment).
Celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori and head outdoors
Learn new kupu (words) related to te taiao (the natural environment).
When we keep learning, we improve and maintain our wellbeing! Challenge yourself this week by learning one kupu a day and enjoy the positive feelings of accomplishment and achievement.

Kia kaha te Reo Māori! – Give te Reo Māori a go
This year we are trialling having a bilingual map. Most of the key parts on the front of the map are in both te reo Māori and English. This will be available onsite and online for our visitors.
Plus there are signs around the Zoo with different te reo phrases on them for visitors to practice.

Sharing pūrākau and whakataukī for three endemic manu
We created a special series for Te Wiki o te Reo Māori that focuses on three endemic manu (kākā, kāhu or kērangi and kākāpō) and features kaimahi from different departments across the Zoo.

Nurture your wellbeing in nature
Spring into wellbeing with nature-focussed activities for you and your whānau to enjoy!
Whether you’re lending a helping hand or simply watching the world around you, there’s a lot to see and do.