Make the most of your day

Keeper talks on

Auckland Zoo's information centre hires out a range of items:

  1. Single and double push chairs, and child carriers are available for $8.
  2. Umbrellas are available for $4. There is also a range of wet weather apparel for purchase from the Zoo shop.
  3. Mobility Scooters are available for $15.
  4. Wheelchairs are available for free, they are small and medium.

Accessibility at the Zoo

We work hard to make the Zoo accessible for as many people as possible. We have information on:

  • Wheelchair and mobility scooter access and how to hire them
  • Assistance dogs accompanying their owners to the Zoo
  • Support for caregivers
  • Autism friendly tips on visiting the Zoo
  • Our accessible change room and toilet facilities
  • Accessible car parking availability

If you require any additional assistance during your visit, please approach any staff member or Zoo volunteer, or visit the Information Centre near the main entrance.

How to get here

Auckland Zoo is on Motions Road, just west of downtown Auckland and next to the beautiful Western Springs Reserve and Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT). 

  1. Public transport: For bus / public transport options to get to Auckland Zoo, visit the Auckland Transport website. If taking the bus, the closest stop is 8124 on Great North Road, opposite Motions Road (with a short walk down Motions Road to Auckland Zoo).
  2. Parking: Auckland Zoo has two large car parks providing off-street parking for cars, charter buses and tour coaches, and there is another car park at the MOTAT Aviation Hall. It costs $2/hour to park in these car parks, with a maximum charge of $8. Parking charges apply from 9am to 5pm every day. Download the AT Parking App and pay for parking at the Zoo and around Auckland on your phone. Accessible car parking is available in the Motions Road car park, closest to the main entrance to the Zoo, for vehicles displaying a current mobility parking permit. On-street parking along Motions Road and Old Mill Road is free and, in some areas is time-restricted to 3 hours. Click here to learn more about the Western Springs Accessibility Project.
  3. MOTAT's tram network provides a link between both attractions.

Our new cycle parking area makes it easy to sustainably travel to and from the Zoo!

Our dedicated cycle parking area is located to the left of the Zoo’s entrance. This sheltered space can comfortably house 24 individual bikes and features a bike tool area (including a pump) and seating. We’ve allowed extra space for cargo bikes or trailers for parents riding with kids. The location of this space is strategically placed to meet up with the existing Te Wai Orea Western Springs cycle trail and includes pathway lighting for safety.  

Food and drink

It's feeding time at the Zoo! Whether you're after delicious takeaway fare or a sophisticated dining experience, Auckland Zoo has something for everyone.
There are also a number of picnic areas - sit back and relax with your purchased or packed lunch while enjoying the sights and sounds of the Zoo.

Note: Old Elephant House, The Watering Hole, The Lookout and Korimako café opening hours are weather dependent. Old Elephant House and The Lookout are open every day during school holidays.

Join us in drinking to a better future!

We’re constantly working to improve our sustainability practices and are excited to share that ‘Single Use Cups’ (SUCs) will be going for good from all our cafés by the end of 2025. Our gradual phase-out will see SUCs going from our dine-in cafés Te Puna and Wētāpunga by 30 April, and from our takeaway outlets later this year. You can join us now and help wildlife and our planet by bringing your own reusable cup from home - and you'll enjoy a discount on your hot drink. Making long-life re-usable cups our ‘go to’ saves precious natural resources and reduces waste going to landfill.

Food at the Zoo

Te Puna

Located right in the heart of the Zoo, Te Puna faces the central lake of the Zoo and the South East Asia Jungle Track development.

Open 7 days till 5:30pm

Wētāpunga Café

Conveniently located in the Zoo's entrance plaza, Wētāpunga Café is the perfect meet up point before or after your Zoo experience.

Open 7 days 8:30am – 5:30pm

The Old Elephant House

Nestled deep within the Zoo by the South America Rainforest Track, our iconic Old Elephant House is a bistro-style restaurant.

Open Friday to Sunday 10:30am – 2:30pm

The Watering Hole

The perfect place to relax and enjoy the stunning views of our flamingos and lions. Enjoy coffee, ice cream, burgers and more.

Open 7 days 10:00am – 4:00pm

The Lookout

Located in Te Wao Nui, The Lookout offers coffee, cold drinks, and a range of Kapiti ice cream.

Open weekends 11:00am – 3:00pm

Korimako café

Located opposite the band rotunda, this pop-up café offers American hot dogs, takeaway coffee and scoop ice cream.

Open 11:00am – 4:00pm

Visitor information

  1. Push chairs and child carriers - Auckland Zoo's Infomation Centre hires out child carriers and single and double pushchairs for $8 plus a bond of a drivers license or car keys. To book these, call +64 9 360 3805 or email Advanced bookings are advised for weekends, public and school holidays.
  2. Umbrellas - Auckland Zoo's Information Centre hires out umbrellas for $4 plus bond of a driver licence (or equivalent). There is also a range of wet weather apparel for purchase from WildZone gift shop.
  3. Toilets and parent/child facilities - Toilets and baby changing facilities are situated throughout the Zoo. A parents room with breastfeeding facilities is located near Kidzone. Check our map to see locations.

The Zoo Shop is open every day from 9.30am to 5.30pm and is packed full of fun souvenirs, gifts, clothing, books and toys. 

With a strong focus on conservation and sustainability, the Zoo Shop offers a range of products made from recyclable and sustainable sources, many of which contribute to humanitarian and conservation projects around the world - so if you're looking for great gifts with heart, then look no further than The Zoo Shop. 

The shop is online! If you don’t have time to stop by, then you can still shop from home!  Every dollar you spend helps build a future for wildlife.

The Auckland Zoo is continually undergoing maintenance to upgrade our facilities, improve safety and fix things that wear out or get broken. We are also continually working on Zoo regeneration projects, with the aim to provide exceptional habitats for our animals to improve their welfare, a world-class immersive experience for all who visit, as well as facilities for our staff and future conservationists.

Learn more about our Essential maintenance and upgrades

We are designing more Nature Play spaces at Auckland Zoo

  1. 1. Visitors enter the Zoo at their own risk and choose to do so under these Terms and Conditions. No liability for loss, injury or damage will be accepted. 
  2. 2. Visitors must enter via a public entrance and pay the applicable entrance or membership fee. No tickets will be exchanged or substituted after purchase. No refunds will be given due to inclement weather, maintenance or construction work, animals not on view, or exhibits closed.
  3. 3. Auckland Zoo has the authority to close the Zoo or any part thereof, including any animal exhibit or show, remove animals from display for any reason and/or vary the advertised programs at any time for any reason whatsoever including in the interests of safety and will not be liable for any loss or expense incurred by a visitor as a result of such closure or variation.
  4. 4. Visitors must not enter any enclosure, cross any barrier, or enter any area marked 'no entry' or 'staff only', unless accompanied by an Auckland Zoo staff member.
  5. 5. Children must be supervised at all times by a responsible adult aged 15 years or over. The Zoo reserves the right to report any unaccompanied children to the appropriate authorities.
  6. 6. Visitors must not bring into the Zoo any animal (excluding fully-vaccinated, pre-approved assistance dogs), costume (if deemed inappropriate by Auckland Zoo), balloons, balls, frisbees or other throwing or sporting devices, whistles, horns or other noisemakers, motorised vehicles, bicycles, rollerskates, rollerblades, skateboards, scooters or similar apparatus; alcohol or illegal substance. Toddlers' bicycles are permitted only if fitted with a rigid fixed handle and under the control of a responsible adult at all times. Auckland Zoo reserves the right to inspect any visitor’s bag(s) on request. Dogs must not be left in cars.
  7. 7. Visitors must not touch, disturb or interfere with any animal (including free-range birds); feed any animal; throw any object; allow any objects to fall into or enter enclosures; climb on, damage or deface any structure or signage; light any fire; or litter. Remote controlled vehicles and devices, such as drones, are also prohibited. If you do allow an object to fall into an animal enclosure, please do not attempt to retrieve it and notify a member of staff.
  8. 8. All visitors must wear attire appropriate for a community facility and, for safety reasons, appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. Clothing with objectionable, vulgar or offensive writing, images or imprints are not permitted. Auckland Zoo reserves the right to refuse entry to visitors wearing costumes or items of clothing that may, at Auckland Zoo's absolute discretion, be considered objectionable or have a negative impact on the Zoo’s animals or other visitors.
  9. 9. Visitors must not conduct any commercial or charity activity without the written consent of Auckland Zoo. Professional (including commercial) photography and filming, including all media and commercial organisations, is only permitted by prior arrangement with our Marketing and Communications department.
  10. 10. Auckland Zoo is smoke-free and smoking is not permitted in the Zoo grounds, this includes electronic cigarettes and vaping. During normal Zoo opening hours there is a designated smoking area outside the main Zoo entrance. Visitors who do not comply will be asked to leave or may be removed.
  11. 11. Visitors must comply with the car parking signs displayed in the car parking area. Failure to comply may result in your vehicle being towed at your risk and expense. Auckland Zoo accepts no liability for any claim by you or any other person, whether for loss or damage to your vehicle or any other vehicle, whether resulting from using the car park or from your own negligence or otherwise.
  12. 12. Visitors must comply with any other conditions or instructions displayed in Zoo grounds or communicated by Zoo personnel. 
  13. 13. The Zoo retains the right to deny access and/or remove visitors who fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions of Entry, are being a public nuisance, acting recklessly and/or failing to observe directions from Zoo personnel or any Zoo signage.
  14. 14. Visitors must adhere to the adult to children ratio below when visiting: 1 adult to 6 children (aged 0-14 years). Groups without adequate supervision ratios will not be permitted to enter the Zoo.

Parking terms and conditions:

  1. Parking in the Zoo carpark is at your own risk. Please park responsibly.
  2. You must not obstruct any persons or vehicles using the carpark. You must not park in any area marked “Reserved” or “No Parking”, or in zones identified as “drop off” or “loading zones”. You must not park on the grass verges in and around the carpark. Any car parked in a mobility bay must display a current mobility pass.
  3. If you breach any of these parking terms & conditions, Auckland Zoo may, at its sole discretion and at the owners’ risk and expense: Enter the vehicle; tow the vehicle; or apply a wheel clamp to the vehicle. This carpark is an Auckland Council Alcohol Ban area that is enforced by the New Zealand Police. If your vehicle has been removed from this carpark, please contact Supercity Towing (0800 728 694) to determine your vehicles whereabouts and how best to retrieve it.

The decision to deny access and/or remove any visitor is at the absolute discretion of Auckland Zoo.