Learn what makes Aotearoa so awesome.

Aotearoa has some unique and special wildlife that is only found here. Students will explore and observe animals with a Zoo Educator in some of our habitats in Te Wao Nui.

Together, students of all ages will discover what has shaped New Zealand's biodiversity.

Journey through the different Aotearoa New Zealand habitats represented in Te Wao Nui here at Auckland Zoo.

Observe and discuss the adaptations (physical or behavioural) of our unique Aotearoa New Zealand species and their role in the ecosystem.

Explore the impact of environmental change (including introduced pests) and how Wild Work is helping our precious taonga to survive in the wild. Be inspired and encouraged to take conservation action in your own backyard!

Session duration: Sessions with a Zoo Educator will last for approx. 45 minutes. Outside this time you are free to explore the Zoo. Most schools plan to arrive for 9:30am opening and leave by 2:00pm.

Year 0-8

  1. Name and identify some NZ animals
  2. ​Understand that our endemic animals are taonga and what makes them special

Year 9-13 & Tertiary

  1. Describe the processes that formed New Zealand ecology
  2. Explain how the unique features of New Zealand endemic species are linked to those processes
  3. Recognise that these features are a result of evolutionary processes
  4. Compliments Biology 91605 (3.5) – demonstrate understanding of evolutionary processes leading to speciation

Science - Living World:

  1. Life Processes L1-2: Recognise that all living things have certain requirements so they can stay alive.
  2. Ecology L1-2: Recognise that living things are suited to their particular habitat.
  3. Ecology L3-4: Explain how living things are suited to their particular habitat and how they respond to environmental changes, both natural and human-induced.
  4. Ecology L5: Investigate the interdependence of living things (including humans) in an ecosystem.
  5. Evolution L1-2: Explain how we know that some that some living things from the past are now extinct.
  6. Evolution L3-4: Explore how groups of living things we have in the world have changed over a long period of time and appreciate that some living things in New Zealand are quite different from living things in other areas of the world.
  7. Nature of Science: Understanding about Science, Investigating in Science, Communicating in Science, Participating and Contributing.
  8. Education for Sustainability: Responsibility for Action, Sustainability, Biodiversity, Interdependence.

Year 9 & 10

Science - Living World:

Life Processes: Identify the key structural features and functions involved in the life processes of plants and animals

Evolution (L4): Explore how groups of living things we have in the world have changed over long periods of time and appreciate that some living things in NZ are quite different from living things in other areas of the world

Nature of Science: Understanding about science

Year 11 & 12

Please note on your booking form what standard the students are studying and one of our conservation learning facilitators can advise further if this session fits your learning outcomes

Year 13

NCEA: Science - Living World

Life processes, ecology & evolution: explore the evolutionary processes that have resulted in the diversity of life on earth and appreciate the place and impact of humans within these processes

Biology 91605 (3.5): Demonstrate understanding of evolutionary processes leading to speciation

We welcome teachers to pre-visit before their session.

Book a pre-visit here.

Email: conservationlearning@aucklandzoo.co.nz
(09) 360 3817
Please read our Extended FAQs before getting in touch